Renfrew Denture Clinic | Renfrew, ON., 09 Apr 2024 9:38:39 +0000en-us<![CDATA[Clinic Information]]>, 09 Apr 2024 9:38:39 +0000History
  • Formally the Ringrose Denture Clinic.
  • Has been operating at this location for 30+ years

How to Access the Clinic

  • Free Municipal parking across the street.
  • Clinic door is situated facing Plaunt Street South.
  • Private parking in the driveway on Renfrew Avenue East for patients with mobility issues.
  • Home / hospital visits also available for patients that cannot access the clinic.

Renfrew Denture Clinic 

<![CDATA[Company]]>, 09 Apr 2024 9:37:34 +0000Renfrew Denture Clinic
Renfrew Denture Clinic

Our Denturist Adam Lima, B.Sc., DD.

Adam Lima is the Denturist and owner of the Renfrew Denture Clinic. Adam purchased the clinic from Ian Ringrose in July of 2021.  Adam graduated from the Denturism program with the highest honours in 2014. Prior to this he attended the University of Ottawa and completed his Bachelor of Science. Adam joined his father and his brother, who are also denturists, by practicing in Ottawa before taking over the Ringrose Denture Clinic here in Renfrew. Adam believes in a personal approach, providing custom designed smiles for each client that exceeds their expectations all while being budget friendly.

Our Philosophy

At Renfrew Denture Clinic, we believe that as our patient you deserve:
Courteous, Attentive and Respectful Service

  • to be served in a pleasant and warm environment
  • to be treated by qualified, well-trained and responsible personnel
  • to be informed about the alternative treatment options available to you
  • to obtain ongoing care that meets your specific needs
  • to receive a clear and accurate estimate prior to any treatment

We continue to participate in continuing education programs to ensure that he remains at the forefront of denture fabrication through research, education and unique clinical applications.

Renfrew Denture Clinic is a proud member of the Dental Implant Society.

<![CDATA[Testimonials]]>, 21 Aug 2023 6:28:34 +0000

I was very happy with my results and my decision to deal with Adam & Samantha at Renfrew Denture Clinic.

I will admit I was very nervous about going through with the process but was reassured many times that it was very normal to feel this way. Adam again reassured me that everything will be okay. He was very supportive of my feelings and he gave me his honest opinion and feedback every step of the way. He never pressured me to spend money where it wasn't necessary which was a blessing. He was very honest and knowledgeable about what he recommended and what he didn't. I will look forward to dealing with Renfrew Denture Clinic in the future and definitely recommend them to anyone in need of denture care and services.

I always hated smiling but now I can't stop smiling.

This is definitely the best investment I've ever done, not only for Myself but for my Mental Health.

Thank you so much! Beyond Happy 😃 Melanie Kelly

<![CDATA[Contact Us]]>, 16 Aug 2023 4:58:57 +0000

Renfrew Denture Clinic

217 Plaunt St S
Renfrew, ON.
Canada, K7V 1M7

Phone: (613) 432-4831

Hours of Operation



We are in the Office Tuesday's and Friday's.
Calls will be answered every day.

For your convenience,
you may fill out our general contact form below.  We will do our best to get back to you right away.

<![CDATA[Dentist Referrals]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:50:52 +0000

For Your Convenience,

You may fill out the DENTIST referrals form below.

<![CDATA[Patient Referrals]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:50:38 +0000For Your Convenience,

You may fill out the PATIENT appointments / referrals form below.

<![CDATA[FAQ]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:47:58 +0000Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

Q. Why go to a Denturist?

A. Denturists study the clinical and technical aspect of removable dentures and general health longer than any other oral health-care practitioner. The College of Denturists of Ontario acknowledges that Denturists are "Denture Specialists". Anyone can consult a Denturist without a referral from another health-care professional. Denturist provide the most cost and time effective denture treatment. Most Denturists' laboratory work is performed on the premises by the Denturist who sees you. This ensures quality of care is consistent and personal. Your Denturist's expertise and professionalism make him or her the best possible choice to help you derive the maximum benefit from the most advance denture technology. If you do not have a regular dentist or need a referral to an oral surgeon, your Denturist will be happy to refer you to the appropriate practitioner. If your dentures are more than five years old, make an appointment to talk with your Denturist. You can improve your looks, self-confidence and your health with quality dentures.

Q. What's so different about going to Renfrew Denture Clinic versus other dental professionals?

A. The professional staff at Renfrew Denture Clinic listen to your needs. They personally handle every step in the construction of your denture: from the first impression to the last adjustment. There is no middleman in the fabrication of your new denture. Renfrew Denture Clinic has an on site laboratory to produce your personalized custom-made dentures.

Q. How long do Dentures last?

A. Your dentures will not last indefinitely. The denture teeth and base will wear and stain over time. The tissues of the mouth are undergoing continual change so that the dentures will have to be adjusted, rebased or remade from time to time. This time will vary and depend upon such factors as individual tolerances, habits and the length of time you have had dentures.

Did You Know?

  • You should not wear loose dentures. Have them checked immediately. Loose dentures can cause excessive friction and pressure toward the gum tissues and bones, resulting in painful sore spots and bone shrinkage.
  • Dentures can warp if placed in hot water.
  • Dentures can change shape if they dry out. When not in use, cover dentures with water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out.
  • Dentures should be brushed inside and outside daily with a soft, large nylon denture toothbrush with round-ended bristles. Use denture creams instead of toothpastes, which are too abrasive and will scratch your denture. Rinse with cold water.
  • Your mouth is constantly changing. Inspect your denture regularly for worn teeth.
    (Be sure to visit Renfrew Denture Clinic regularly as part of your recommended check up schedule).
  • Some medications can affect denture fit and wearability so be sure to discuss this with your doctor and dental professional.
  • Only your dental professional is qualified to diagnose your oral health and adjust your denture or partial.
  • Most dental insurance policies will pay for a new denture every 5 years.
  • Worn and stained dentures can make you look older and cause your dentures to function poorly.

Your Denturist is sensitive to your well-being and to the general condition of your dentures. They also have the experience and expertise to advise you on your best treatment plan and how to proceed.

Q. Now that I have dentures I don't need an annual exam, do I?

A. An annual exam is highly recommended. Over time your mouth goes through considerable changes. Tissue shrinkage and loss of underlying bone (resorption) on which your dentures rest will occur. Since your dentures do not change, they may no longer fit like they once did. Early detection and elimination of tissue inflammation is important to minimize shrinkage of the supporting bone and tissue. By keeping the tissue healthy your dentures will continue to fit correctly. Having an annual oral exam may prevent or help detect the existence of oral cancer or other abnormal conditions. There is a fee for the exam but your insurance company may reimburse the visit if it is a covered expense.

<![CDATA[Denture Repair and Maintenance]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:46:00 +0000Denture Repair | If you require a denture repair we invite you to give us a call right away.

Phone: (613) 432-4831

At Renfrew Denture Clinic, we understand the frustration and desperation that patients can feel when their denture requires a repair. Did you happen to fracture your denture in the evening, on a weekend or worse yet on a holiday? If you have a denture emergency call our number, (613) 432-4831 and leave a message stating the emergency, we check our messages frequently and will get back to you even after hours.

Our denture clinic is equipped with our own laboratorie so your denture can be repaired on the spot while you wait.

To aid us in the proper repair of your denture we request that you keep all broken pieces and never attempt to glue anything back together. Clean breaks are simple enough to repair but if glue has been applied it may complicate the repair process.


Why you should have your dentures checked regularly?

Left unchecked, dentures that no longer fit you can cause serious harm to soft tissues in your mouth. They can also look less natural, damaging your confidence and your self-esteem. With regular checks, we can ensure that as your needs change, your dentures are adapted to fit with the shape of your mouth and your appearance with relining procedures.

Three types of relining procedures:

The “permanent“ hard reline

A hard denture reline will improve the fit and stability of your dentures. Please note that you will be without your dentures for approximately 3-5 hours for the processing procedures. It involves the following:

  • Place a layer of soft impression material on the inside of the existing denture.
  • Repositioning inside your mouth to take an impression of the unique contours of your mouth.
  • Using this accurate impression to create a new hard base.

The “permanent” soft reline

If you suffer with tender gums and sore spots, denture relining can help your dentures be kinder to your mouth. This is often the case for people who have a very flat lower ridge, which means that the retention of the lower denture is very poor. By adapting your denture with a material that remains soft and pliable (denture cushion), we can make your dentures much more comfortable to wear. Every 3 to 5 years, the soft material will need to be replaced. Please note you may be without your dentures for approximately 24 hours for processing. It involves the following:

  • Place a layer of soft impression material on the inside of the existing denture.
  • Repositioning inside your mouth to take an impression of the unique contours of your mouth.
  • Using this accurate impression to create a new soft base.

The Tissue Conditioning/Temporary Reline

A temporary/therapeutic denture reline is suitable for people who are awaiting a hard reline or new dentures but their gums need time to heal. This is especially the case for patients who are wearing dentures that are very old and ill-fitting, because this can damage your gums causing them to be sore, swollen and misshapen. It involves the following:

  • A temporary soft reline material is added to the surface of your dentures directly in the clinic.
  • This conditioning material allows the inflammation to subside.
  • You wear your dentures with their new soft base for a few weeks until the gums return to a normal and healthy state.
  • This temporary soft reline also makes your denture grip much more tightly.

When the time is right the soft material is replaced with a new hard base, or your treatment for new dentures or implants can begin.

Annual Visits

As a standard for denture wearers, it is recommended to visit the clinic for an annual visit. During these visits the denturist will clean and polish your dentures as well as assess all soft tissues for any bumps, lumps and lesions which can often be early signs of oral cancers. Any adjustments that may be required will be done during this visit. These visits also include a complementary denture care package.

For confidence and security in your smile, contact our denture clinic to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

<![CDATA[Partial Dentures]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:45:00 +0000Type And Style Of Partials

A partial denture may be tooth-supported or tooth and tissue supported. There are significant differences between theses two types of dentures. These differences are best explained by your Denturist.

The number of teeth remaining, the position and the stability of the teeth are only a few of the factors that help to determine what style or type of partial denture would be best for you. Partials can be made of different materials, including acrylics, a metal/acrylic combination or flexible thermoplastics.

Acrylic partials are usually used as a transitional or temporary replacement of missing teeth, depending on your personal circumstances.

The metal/acrylic partial —commonly called a cast partial— is usually a more rigid and permanent style of denture. The metal is either a highly compatible chrome cobalt alloy or titanium, which are both ultra thin, light and very strong.

The new flexible thermoplastics have the advantage of esthetics and flexibility.

All partials are designed to be removable and should be removed nightly to contribute to a healthy oral environment.

With newer designs, materials and techniques, partials are more comfortable than ever before. Ask us about the many designs available, some of which have no visible clasps and are virtually undetectable.

The Benefits Of Partials

Partial dentures do not harm remaining natural teeth. A partial denture may prevent your natural teeth from shifting or drifting into the space left by the loss of a natural tooth. In fact, a partial denture may help maintain the position of your natural teeth by providing them with additional support.

With a partial denture, you will look better, feel better and chew better!

<![CDATA[Complete Dentures]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:44:47 +0000For Confidence and Security In Your Smile

Complete Dentures | Renfrew Denture ClinicFull dentures are a type of dental prosthesis that replace a full arch of missing teeth. They are commonly used in cases where all the natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw are missing. Full dentures are custom-made to fit snugly over the gums, creating a natural and comfortable replacement for missing teeth. They are typically made of acrylic resin or a combination of acrylic and composite resins, which provides strength, durability, and a lifelike appearance.

The process of getting full dentures typically involves several appointments with our denture specialist. During the first appointment, the denturist will take impressions and measurements of the jaw to ensure that the dentures will fit comfortably and securely. In some cases, a dentist may also need to extract any remaining teeth or prepare the jaw for dentures by reshaping the gums. The dentures are first set in wax and the patient will return for a fitting appointment to try on the dentures and make any necessary adjustments. The denture specialist will make any necessary modifications to ensure that the dentures occlude perfectly and are customized to your liking. It may take several days to several weeks to get used to wearing full dentures, but with proper care, they can last several years.

Dental implants can help stabilize complete dentures by providing a secure and permanent anchorage for the dentures. Unlike traditional dentures, which rely on suction and adhesive to stay in place, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they fuse with the bone and provide a stable base for the dentures. As a result, complete dentures that are supported by dental implants tend to fit more securely and comfortably than traditional dentures. The implants also help to distribute biting and chewing forces evenly across the jaw, reducing the risk of further bone loss and preserving the natural shape of the jaw. Additionally, dental implants can help improve the overall function and stability of complete dentures, allowing patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. By stabilizing complete dentures, dental implants can significantly improve a patient's quality of life and provide a more long-term solution for tooth loss.

We recommend changing or replacing your dentures every 7-10 years and maintaining yearly check-up appointments. It is not uncommon to require a hard reline of your dentures every 2-3 years.

For confidence and security in your smile, Contact Renfrew Denture Clinic to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

<![CDATA[Implants]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:43:59 +0000You Belong In This Picture!

If you've ever felt frustrated about the function of your dentures ... or your overall health and your denture problems have kept you out of the picture for too long, it is time you consider the benefits of implant supported dentures.

When it comes to quality of life, the statistics for people who wear dentures leave a lot to be desired. You may be surprised to learn that 29% of denture wearers eat only soft or mashed foods and 50% avoid many foods all together.

The natural look, feel and function of implanted teeth has given thousands of former denture wearers and sufferers of serious tooth loss, a new lease on life.

What Are Dental Implants?

The preferred method of tooth replacement is the dental implant. In short, dental implants are a substitute for tooth roots, and form a stable foundation for permanent replacement of teeth. They also act as a support for full and partial dentures, since the implants integrate with the bone to act as an anchor for the replacement teeth.

Dental implants can also preserve the bone by providing stimulation that was previously provided by the natural tooth root system. This helps to maintain the integrity of your facial structure.

Dental implants are the closest possible replacement for natural teeth, and the best way to restore your natural smile. The cost of these implants has become very affordable. Ask your Denturist about how dental implants might be the right solution for you.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

Improved oral health, ability to eat, appearance and self-esteem

  • increased denture comfort
  • denture stability is increased
  • help prevent bone loss
  • resorption of tissue is reduced
  • your mouth is restored to a natural state which allows superior long-term esthetics, enhancing the beauty of your natural smile and quality of your life

Implant retained dentures are more stable and "real" feeling than most types of dentures. Implants are a proven restoration option with a long, clinical history and an excellent success rate.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single lost tooth or many missing teeth. Many patients who have chosen implant-supported teeth report they are happy and comfortable for the first time since the loss their natural teeth.

Bring Back Your Smile!

At the Renfrew Denture Clinic we want to help you bite, chew, and smile with the same confidence you had with your natural teeth.

Millions of people experience difficulties associated with missing teeth. These difficulties can severely undermine your self-confidence and quality of life. Missing teeth can compromise your health, eating habits, speech and appearance.

When teeth are lost, bone loss occurs, which in turn affects your denture. This results in the denture becoming loose, which causes difficulty in stabilization of the denture, decreased chewing ability, and deterioration of the jaw structure over time .

If you're considering dental implants, we're here to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision.

Renfrew Denture Clinic is a proud member of the Dental Implant Society.

<![CDATA[Home]]>, 13 Mar 2023 5:41:33 +0000

Helping you make an informed decision on what type of denture is best for you.

Serving: Renfrew, Arnprior, Eganville, Cobden, Pembroke, Quebec and the rest of the Ottawa Valley!

Renfrew Denture Clinic strives to remain at the forefront of denture fabrication through research, education and unique clinical applications.

Renfrew Denture Clinic specializes in: Premium Dentures, Biofunctional Dentures and Implant Supported Dentures.

We are also equipped to provide digital dentures and scanned impressions using the newest technology.

The denture that fits your lifestyle.

At Renfrew Denture Clinic, we believe that as our patient you deserve:
Courteous, Attentive and Respectful Service

Our Services Include:











<![CDATA[Dental Care]]>, 07 Mar 2023 4:49:34 +0000Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Aging also makes teeth less bright as the outer layer of the teeth or enamel becomes thinner and the dentin becomes darker. At Renfrew Denture Clinic, a bleaching tray will be made to fit your mouth precisely. Once this is done, the whitening procedure begins

Call for more information about teeth whitening or to book an appointment.

Phone: (613) 432-4831

Mouth Guard

If you play a sport, or have children that do, a custom fit mouth guard is highly recommended. At Renfrew Denture Clinic, one of our certified denturists will take an impression of  your mouth and fabricate a mouth guard that will fit only you. Your customized mouth guard will protect all surfaces of your teeth and gums, helping to minimize the chance of traumatic dental injuries. Custom mouth guards have also been proven to have more shock absorbing protection than store bought mouth guards thus reducing the risk of concussions.

Our custom mouth guards are available in many different colours and prints and can be fabricated in as little time as one day.

Anti-Grinding Guards

If you grind or clench in your sleep, Renfrew Denture Clinic can make you a clear grinding guard which can even be worn during the day. Our grinding guards consist of a soft material on the inside and a harder material on the outside which allows them to be strong yet flexible.

<![CDATA[Immediate Dentures]]>, 13 Oct 2021 5:03:25 +0000When Is An Immediate Denture Used?

To avoid being without teeth, we will offer the immediate denture technique.

This involves taking impressions of your mouth while your natural teeth are still present.

We then fabricate a denture in the likeness of your natural teeth.

When your natural teeth are extracted, your immediate denture is then inserted.

By using this technique, you have avoided having to go without any teeth during the healing process.

Things You Should Know About Immediate Dentures

Since we are unable to try the denture prior to extracting your teeth, certain esthetic compromises may be necessary. Normally, there are no significant problems and we are able to achieve good results for most patients.

It is important to follow the postoperative instructions provided by the Renfrew Denture Clinic very carefully.

As healing occurs, the oral tissues recede so denture adjustments may be required. Follow-up appointments with us are necessary. To maintain the best fit and comfort, a temporary liner or tissue conditioner may be placed in the denture. During the next few months, bone and gum tissue will probably continue to shrink to some degree; however, the rate of change decreases with time. This is a natural occurrence, which is to be expected. After the healing process is complete, either a new permanent full denture(s) will be made or your denture(s) will be relined or rebased to ensure the most comfortable fit possible.

Renfrew Denture Clinic will recommend the option that best meets your particular needs.

<![CDATA[Services]]>, 13 Oct 2021 4:50:16 +0000Renfrew Denture Clinic wants to share with you some valuable information on the benefits of dentures and the different types available, so you can make an informed decision about your dentures.

<![CDATA[Referrals]]>, 11 Oct 2021 10:02:24 +0000Renfrew Denture Clinic Welcome's all Bookings & Referrals :) ]]>