p: (613) 432-4831 | e: info@renfrewdentureclinic.ca


Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

Q. Why go to a Denturist?

A. Denturists study the clinical and technical aspect of removable dentures and general health longer than any other oral health-care practitioner. The College of Denturists of Ontario acknowledges that Denturists are "Denture Specialists". Anyone can consult a Denturist without a referral from another health-care professional. Denturist provide the most cost and time effective denture treatment. Most Denturists' laboratory work is performed on the premises by the Denturist who sees you. This ensures quality of care is consistent and personal. Your Denturist's expertise and professionalism make him or her the best possible choice to help you derive the maximum benefit from the most advance denture technology. If you do not have a regular dentist or need a referral to an oral surgeon, your Denturist will be happy to refer you to the appropriate practitioner. If your dentures are more than five years old, make an appointment to talk with your Denturist. You can improve your looks, self-confidence and your health with quality dentures.

Q. What's so different about going to Renfrew Denture Clinic versus other dental professionals?

A. The professional staff at Renfrew Denture Clinic listen to your needs. They personally handle every step in the construction of your denture: from the first impression to the last adjustment. There is no middleman in the fabrication of your new denture. Renfrew Denture Clinic has an on site laboratory to produce your personalized custom-made dentures.

Q. How long do Dentures last?

A. Your dentures will not last indefinitely. The denture teeth and base will wear and stain over time. The tissues of the mouth are undergoing continual change so that the dentures will have to be adjusted, rebased or remade from time to time. This time will vary and depend upon such factors as individual tolerances, habits and the length of time you have had dentures.

Did You Know?

  • You should not wear loose dentures. Have them checked immediately. Loose dentures can cause excessive friction and pressure toward the gum tissues and bones, resulting in painful sore spots and bone shrinkage.
  • Dentures can warp if placed in hot water.
  • Dentures can change shape if they dry out. When not in use, cover dentures with water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out.
  • Dentures should be brushed inside and outside daily with a soft, large nylon denture toothbrush with round-ended bristles. Use denture creams instead of toothpastes, which are too abrasive and will scratch your denture. Rinse with cold water.
  • Your mouth is constantly changing. Inspect your denture regularly for worn teeth.
    (Be sure to visit Renfrew Denture Clinic regularly as part of your recommended check up schedule).
  • Some medications can affect denture fit and wearability so be sure to discuss this with your doctor and dental professional.
  • Only your dental professional is qualified to diagnose your oral health and adjust your denture or partial.
  • Most dental insurance policies will pay for a new denture every 5 years.
  • Worn and stained dentures can make you look older and cause your dentures to function poorly.

Your Denturist is sensitive to your well-being and to the general condition of your dentures. They also have the experience and expertise to advise you on your best treatment plan and how to proceed.

Q. Now that I have dentures I don't need an annual exam, do I?

A. An annual exam is highly recommended. Over time your mouth goes through considerable changes. Tissue shrinkage and loss of underlying bone (resorption) on which your dentures rest will occur. Since your dentures do not change, they may no longer fit like they once did. Early detection and elimination of tissue inflammation is important to minimize shrinkage of the supporting bone and tissue. By keeping the tissue healthy your dentures will continue to fit correctly. Having an annual oral exam may prevent or help detect the existence of oral cancer or other abnormal conditions. There is a fee for the exam but your insurance company may reimburse the visit if it is a covered expense.







We are in the Office Tuesday's and Friday's.
Calls will be answered every day.


217 Plaunt St S
Renfrew, ON.
Canada, K7V 1M7

Phone: (613) 432-4831
Email: info@renfrewdentureclinic.ca